Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween! Just for fun!

I thought it might be fun to do a compilation story with a spooky theme.  We'll see how far it goes since I do not know how many will even be on Blogger today.

The full moon was bright, the sky was clear, and the air was crisp and cold.  All was still except for a mist rising from the ground.  Eerie quiet surrounded the old, little town on this night.

So, someone else can pick up from here.

1 comment:

  1. Suddenly, BAM! A door slammed. The sound of pounding footsteps was covered by baying and barking of the neighborhood dogs. Chickens in a nearby coop squawked and clucked in agitation. A stray cat, caught in the path of the running feet, shrieked once and was silent as the feet stomped it and then drop-kicked it. It's furry little stomped-on body arced gracefully over a block wall to land at the feet of a stunned man who stood listening.
