Thursday, March 14, 2013

"in" and "on"

I figured I would check and see if anyone had posted anything new on our blog, but no one has!!

I have a question for anyone... I have asked several people, but everyone replies the same way: "Ooo that is hard to explain". I even spoke with Kyra about it!! Can anyone think of a simple way to explain the difference between "in" and "on" and the proper usage of each? Kyra said there is a list of verbs somewhere in existence that show proper usage of each. She said if we could find the list that it would make a fantastic tip sheet for our ESL students. Otherwise, she said it is something that students just have to memorize. Anyone have any tips on how to help students understand the difference between the two?



  1. Well, in my (King Freddyish) humble distant opinion; would use something everyone has to explain it, their body! Tell them that their heart is IN them and their skin is ON them. Though ON has many lights ON or off.....or being ON time..... oh dear.....this is complicated. Oh well gave it my best! Hope all is well down in the W.LD.C! You are awesome!

    I cant. Resist. Using. Non-Correct English SeNtEnCes and CapiTalization here !!!! Muahahah

    Seriously, I miss seeing and working with all of you. Please someone tell Rosemary and Shawn to take a vacation already Geeze!! :)

    P.s If find that you are really hungry, and just so happen to be in a wooded area with a bunny and no way to cook it; remember to simply down the rabbit whole.

  2. See! "In and on" are difficult to explain. I began explaining exactly as you suggested, but then realized that my explanation didn't really cover it. Difficult!
